Friday, December 3, 2021

People do business with those they know, like and trust

People hire coaches they know, like and trust. They way by which they will know, like and trust you is up to you.

I have tried writing to my FB friends and inviting them to a coaching session with little results.

I have tried writing to strangers on LinkedIn and inviting them. The same.

It's because one of the ingredients was missing.

But when I created a free online program where I shared my knowledge about how to find your purpose people who finished it came to me as clients.

What changed? 

They knew, liked and trusted me. There was trust I wasn't just after their money. They saw I genuinely tried to help them. And -- most importantly -- I gave something away freely, as my gift to them without any attachment whether or not they would become a client.

We first need to give something to receive something. 


Thursday, December 2, 2021

Being liked is not necessary in the world of coaching

Too often we as coaches care too much about being liked. That diminishes our service.

Being liked is not necessary in the world of coaching. Saying and doing what really serves the person is.

Today I was interviewed by a coach who said she feels uncomfortable to follow up with her clients after 6 months. What if they haven't done what they said they would and feel bad about it? 

Think like a personal trainer. A trainer contacts a person and asks: "How are you doing? Are you in shape? Do you need some help?"

People like to be contacted by PTs because we all want to be reminded of what we know we need to do. It may be uncomfortable if you bought the gym pass and haven't used it in 2 months but it is service.   

Or think like a doctor. 

Does a doctor care about being liked? Does he care whether the patient likes him and decides to hire him? 

He wants to help and he makes a recommendation. "This is what will help you. How else can I help?"

You can be like that doctor, too.   

People do business with those they know, like and trust

People hire coaches they know, like and trust. They way by which they will know, like and trust you is up to you. I have tried writing to my...